Name of Club, Team, Group, or Activity: Spartan Shield
Name of school employee responsible for the activity: Larry Davis
Maximum number of students involved: Unlimited
Student cost associated with this activity: None
Will tryouts be used to select students: No
If yes, list dates of tryouts:
Beginning date of activity: Start of school year
Ending date of activity: End of school year
Attach a tentative schedule of activities, events, performances, or games with dates, times, and places if possible.
Refer to school calendar
Are there nonseason events or activities that are required, suggested, or optional for students to attend: No
If yes, list the activities, dates, times and locations:
Additional information considered important regarding this event: Staff members will be responsible for reporting school news in the on-line school newspaper.
Emery High
975 North Center St
PO Box 499
Castle Dale, UT 84513
Phone: (435) 381-2689
Fax: (435) 381-5370
In Emery School District, all programs and services are open to all persons regardless of their race, color, national origin, sex, age, and disabilities.
© 2024 Emery County School District